Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Monday Made It's!

Today I'm sharing over at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It for the first time since last summer! I have been busy making buntings for my new kindergarten classroom as well as recovering a chair for my reading corner. I will soon be making valances to match, but have to get in my classroom to do some measuring first. 

I ordered five different Riley Blake fabrics from to use for my decorating. I chose aqua and red as the two main colors but will be using all the colors to some extent. I am in love with these fabrics and can't wait to get in my room and start putting it all together. I made several buntings in different lengths to hang in different areas of the room. Here are the fabrics I chose.....

Here are some of the buntings hanging on my china cabinet...:) I think they look pretty sweet with my white pitcher collection!

I also recovered a chair I already had. I love the way it turned out! It will be so cute in my reading corner. I am working on a cute little bookshelf that will sit beside my chair in my reading corner and hope to share it next week. I got a great deal on it at $3! It is U.G.L.Y. right now but will be cute as a button when I'm finished with it!

For my home made it, I made these sweet little hanging solar lights using the $0.97 solar lights from Wal Mart and some old ceiling fan light shades. Here they are at night. They are so pretty hanging on my porch and in one of my trees. They are super cheap to make as well! If you want to see how I made these, you can see the tutorial on my home blog......Life On Willie Mae Lane

Sorry for the blurry photo, I took this one from a distance. They are really pretty hanging in my Red Leaf Maple!

If you haven't already, be sure to visit Hooty's Homeroom!

You can enter to win a $25 Master Card! Who couldn't use that right now...:) So, hop on over there right now and enter to win! Also be sure to check out her Monday Made It's...super cute!

Well, I'm off to see what wonderful things some of you made this week! Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Love the fabric on the bunting and the chair! I really like your solar lights too. I'd love to have some lights outside, but I live in a high rise condo!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Adorable! I am a mostly science teacher too (not by choice) but 4th grade!

  3. I love your buntings and your chair! Those solar lights are super cool...I might have to try my hand at them! Thanks!

    The Craft of Teaching

  4. I can't decide which is cuter chair or lights! Love them both! Sara B.

  5. Hi Vicky~I found you via the linky. :) I love finding other fifth grade teacher bloggers. :) I love your bunting. I just might give it a try.
    Creating Lifelong Learners
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  6. I LOVE your bunting! It turned out so cute. Thanks for the shout out on the giveaway!

    Hooty's Homeroom

  7. You were busy this week with your projects! It all looks so cute!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  8. Hi Vicky,
    Welcome back!! I have missed my friend!! Love, love, love your bunting and chair!!
    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  9. I am crazy about the banner you made! The fabrics you picked are awesome together, and I love that it's made out of the two different shapes. I might have to make one of my own.
    la Señorita Creativa


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